India unveiled a new tablet computing device priced at around $35. That price is expected to drop to around $10. One can only begin to imagine the impact that a $10 tablet device (if it really can deliver on its promised functionality) could have on educational access in the developing world. While some are skeptical, the announcement today does increase the pressure for cost-conscious computing.
When I first learned about the digital divide the focus was on access---ensuring that low-income schools had the same access to computers and the internet as higher income schools. This access gap was real and the focus was justified. In 1998 the ratio of students to instructional computers connected to the internet was 17.2 in schools with greater than 50% minority students enrolled and 10.1 in low minority student schools—a very significant gap. But over the last 12 years, as the price of computing has fallen beyond anyone’s expectations and with federal programs like ERate, the in-school access divide has all but disappeared. A study by Gray and Lewis (2009) showed that high schools with student populations of more than 20 percent at or beneath the poverty level have just below the amount of access to online district resources (90 percent compared to 94 percent) of higher SES schools as well as access to course management and delivery software (58 percent compared to 59 per...
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