I spent the weekend in DC for the 20th Anniversary of Teach For America. The event was energizing and engaging, and felt kind of like, as Kim Smith of New School Venture Fund put it, a revival at a megachurch. Throughout the weekend over meals with old friends who I taught with and in conversations with current corps members, I kept feeling waves of nostalgia . There's a lot I'd like to write about TFA--and I know that TFA often incites fierce debate within the education world--but for now I'd just like to bask in my nostalgia and share a letter that I wrote as second year corps member to the new incoming corps. January 6, 2006 Dear Future Bay Area Corps Member,
The sun is just emerging from behind the yellow foothills as I drive to Lester Shields Elementary each morning. A world away from its geographic neighbors, Google, eBay, and Apple, I ex...