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Showing posts from March, 2011

Humanizing the Classroom through Technology: Salman Khan's Ted Talk

There is an implicit fear when it comes to education technology that the goal is for computers to replace the teacher, the human. With this fear comes the argument that there is something special--something that can never be replicated by a machine--within the teacher-student interaction. And I think this argument is right. A monitor and a keyboard will never be able to have the impact that your second grade teacher had on your life. But why not use technology then, to maximize those moments that allowed that teacher to have the impact that she/he did. She wasn’t your favorite teacher because she graded your additions facts or because of her lecture on borrowing with double-digit subtraction. It was because of things that were more intangible, more human. Why not let technology---technology like Khan’s videos--humanize the classroom, freeing teachers to spend time on those meaningful intangibles.